Are Air Ionizers Dangerous?

Under certain conditions of use, ion generators and other air purifiers that generate ozone can produce levels of this lung irritant that are significantly higher than levels considered to be harmful to human health. A small percentage of air purifiers that claim to have health benefits may be regulated by the FDA as medical devices. Many manufacturers often use ionizing technology in their air purifiers to increase the characteristics of their machines and increase the price of the system. However, this may not be the best decision, as evidence against the effects of this technology can do a disservice to the company. As more information is made available to the public about the potential dangers of air ionizers, consumers will be better informed before making a purchase, and they are likely to be aware of and avoid these potentially hazardous ionizing air systems.

Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) are considered indoor pollutants and can cause health problems. Unfortunately, ionizers are ineffective in reducing VOCs in the air. To help understand the differences between an air ionizer and a typical HEPA filter on the market, here is a quick comparison table. Despite manufacturers recommending ionizers to asthmatics, experts recommend avoiding them. In fact, due to ozone production, these devices are more likely to cause irritation, symptoms and attacks than pollution itself.

Generally speaking, ionizer air purifiers are safe because they aren't energized enough to be harmful. After reading all the information about air ionizers (whether they're marketed as ionic air purifiers or ionizers), it's clear that most people shouldn't buy an air purifier with an ionizing function. These ionizers usually turn on for 8 hours every day, and I have a Therapure TPP300D with UV+ ionizer that turns on for 8 hours in my living room. Air ionizers are designed to help provide cleaner air and they do so through the use of ionized particles. However, to get rid of the dangers of second and third hand smoking from my roommate, I now plan to keep my ionizer turned on only for 30-40 minutes when no one is in the room, and then turn off the ionizer before anyone comes in.

Since there is conflicting data associated with the use of an ionizer, I usually keep my option turned off.

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